Monday, September 21, 2009

hey guys!
I'll have a mini party at the disco!:)
it will be only going for 30 mins.

Date:sept. 27
Time:Mountain time 6:00 PM Pacific time 5 :00 PM and the rest sorry but your going to find yourself.
place:dance club/disco

Secret Items

hi!today il be showing you the secret items.

the red helmet/viking hat...and if you click on it four times...

A blue one will appear!
Now on to items for your igloo.

the piano

the fridge

click on the CD

wall speakers

click on the light on your right

the bowling pin

the LCD T.V.

the guitar stand
thats all i guess
bye! :-)

now you can download CP Trainer 2 is out!

Get It here!
Download here!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Download Penguin Storm 8

Download Penguin Storm 8

what are these penguins saying

Sensei's Scavenger Hunt Guide

The Fire Pin
Sensei's scavenger hunt is a new feature on CP. It's only available until Sept. 28 2009.
You will win a Fire Pin by successfully finding all of the items below.

the fire log -Lounge

the candle-Book Room
this is the lantern-mine
A burning hair by puffle-Pet Shop
the hot sauce-Pizza Pallor

the stick-Cove
the jet pack-top of light house

the Dojo lantern-dojo courtyard

these are the fire pin things

The Tallest Mountain is coming!

Yes its here,The Tallest Mountain is here!
But you have to be a ninja to go in:(
well go on and you will be going there if your a ninja
P.S its coming out on the 28th